Sunday, December 29, 2019
3 ways to look at a potential employees level of empathy
3 ways to look at a potential employees level of empathy3 ways to look at a potential employees level of empathyPeople who have more empathy for others tend to also have other positive emotional intelligence skills, such as being good listeners, knowing how to empathetically mirror other peoples feelings (rather than jump to give them advice), asking thought provoking questions (rather than simply stating their own opinion), sitting with a negative feeling (such as anger) before immediately acting on it, and the ability to help employees around them feel understood, cared about, and valued. These skills are not only important in social relationships, but can greatly affect a parts career success, including their ability to handle difficult work situations effectively, and to help keep people engaged and motivated around them.That being said, it can be very tricky to test a potential employees level of empathy (and/or emotional intelligence) when they are aware they are being tested. fruchtwein people over-estimate their positive attributes, and under estimate their challenges in written self-assessments, in part due to wanting to imagine themselves to be a certain way, trying to give the answers that they think are socially acceptable, and in the case of a job interview- wanting to please the employer and land the job.For these reasons, it can be useful to test an applicants empathy level in more subtle ways that do not send off loud signals to the rolle that they are being tested, and to use methods that do not include obvious correct answers.3 ways to look at a potential employees level of empathy1. Pay attention to how the applicant treats people who do not matter in the interview processFor example, it can be useful to speak with the building security guard, receptionist, bathroom cleaning staff, assistants, and anyone else who may have interacted with the applicant the day of the interview, or at any other point through the process (either by phone, email, or in person). Some potential questions are how did this person treat you? If you smiled or greeted them, how did they respond? etc. Essentially, you want to gage how this applicant treats the people that they do not view as above them or as valuable to helping them get the job, but rather do they see these other people as beneath them, are they rude, dismissive, etc.2. Depending on what type of job they are applying for, ask an appropriate question to the role about how the applicant would handle an emotionally sensitive issueThe goal is to pick questions that do not have an obvious correct or incorrect answer, but rather make the applicant think about what they might actually do (which they will still try to adjust based on what they believe is correct in the interviewers mind). However, people with very low empathy are less likely to be able to guess at what the empathetic response would be.For example, in a corporate role, you could ask the person how would they respond to an e mployee who comes into their office at 7pm and starts crying hysterically about how stressed they are?High empathy answers would most likely include some or all of the followingSpending some time (even if its at the end of the day it can be only a few minutes)Listening to the person (rather than lecturing them or dismissing their feelings)Empathically mirroring the person (and the feelings and thoughts they are expressing).Coming up with some type of plan with the person to help address their feelings, even if it is the next day.Using adjectives that demonstrate they value the persons feelings in the situation (even if it feels annoying that someone is crying in the office, or that they are holding them up at the end of the day).Using we statements that help the person to feel that they are not alone in their situation.Following up with the person after they address the issue, at regular intervals (maybe one per week or month or whatever is appropriate to the issue and role) to mak e the sure the person feels the issue has been resolved or is at least getting better and to make sure they are being an effective manager.Sample answer It sounds like you are feeling very overwhelmed right now. Lets look at our schedules for tomorrow and setup a meeting where we can spend more time on this, as you are bringing up some important issues that we will work on together and find ways to address- maybe that means taking some things off your plate and/or working together to prioritize your current projects, to help make it more manageable. 3. Their ability to listen instead of waiting to speakWhen interviewing a potential employee, it is natural for the person to be nervous and have lots to say. Notice if they seem engaged when you speak to them, or if they appear to be simply be waiting to speak. How do they interact with what you are saying, versus simply saying what they have prepared to say? How do they pivot with your conversation? While this tactic is less focused on empathy, it has the potential to give a potential employer more subtle information about someones ability to be an effective listener and communicator, which is equally important and often contributes to a persons ability to empathize with others.The point is Empathy is an important emotional trait that is often interwoven with a persons level of emotional intelligence. I find that the most realistic ways to gage a persons level of empathy is to pay attention to the subtle cues (such as how they treat people that they may potentially view as unimportant, asking open ended questions that do not have a correct answer, and reading their body language and ability to really listen in conversation, rather than simply waiting to say what they want to say. Of course it is easier to assess someones level of empathy when you know them better, but these are strategies that can be helpful to use when there is very limited time to asses this complicated trait.Arluck is aClinical Psychotherapist in private practice.This post was originally published on
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
How Exercise Can Energize Your Job Search
How Exercise Can Energize Your Job SearchHow Exercise Can Energize Your Job SearchHere are some of the benefits of getting a good dose of regular exercise while youre searching for a jobSelf-confidenceLooking for employment can take a big toll on your self-esteem and your sense of self-worth. Taking an exercise break from the grind of the job hunt, and the rejection that often goes with it, can get you away from the computer for a while and get your heart pumping. Do whatever moves you- literally- to replenish your job-hunting mojo and take advantage of the confidence-boosting benefits of exercise.Creative thinkingIf youre transitioning to a new career field, finding creative ways to approach your job search can be especially fruitful. Your daily dose of exercise can help you train your brain to approach your job search from a fresh perspective and with renewed energy.FocusWeve all heard how exercise can clear your head and help remove the mental cobwebs. Its one of the best examples of the mind-body connection physical movement stimulates the brainand can help keep your mental focus sharp.MotivationTo a good extent, your daily schedule is your own while youre looking for work. Think about exercise as an important component of your day- as necessary as re-vamping your resume or honing your interview skills. When your motivation flats, think about the many benefits of exercise to your job search and pencil in some workout time.OptimismStaying positive during your job searchcan be key to your success. In addition to trying to surround yourself with supporters and other people who have an upbeat attitude, staying fit and active can make the job search marathon seem more like a sprintReaders, what are your tips to energize your job search? Share with us in the comments section below
Thursday, December 19, 2019
How to Be a Happy Telecommuter
How to Be a Happy TelecommuterHow to Be a Happy TelecommuterThe dark side of working from home, gives an honest perspective on the pitfalls of telecommuting and how you can avoid them. After all, a happy telecommuter is a successful telecommuter.Keep reading for some great tips on how to be a happy telecommuterFirst, what lurks in the dark side of telecommuting?Time management issuesBeing taken seriously as a professionalMissed opportunities for collaboration and brainstormingOpen communicationHow can you avoid the dark side of telecommuting?Define a professional space and work hours in your home officeCommunicate with coworkers and supervisors for feedbackDont lose opportunities for brainstorming by keeping close contact through phone, instant messaging, message boards, video conferencing, and other communication methodsBe involved in goals and plans beyond your immediate scope by seeking feedback from coworkers and managers, tooting your own horn once and a while to de monstrate your success, and offering to help others with projectsWe LOVE these ideas and think they will definitely make for happier telecommuters. In order to be a successful telecommuter, you need to take yourself seriously as an employee and a professional, and then act in a manner that demonstrates your seriousness.If youre ready to become a happy telecommuter, check out some of our other resourcesHow to Bond with Telecommuting Coworkers and BossesDo You Have What It Takes to be a Successful Telecommuter?Dont Look Now, You Might be TelecommutingView the Latest Telecommuting, Part-Time, Freelance, and Flexible Job Listings at
Saturday, December 14, 2019
How to Use Sample Job Descriptions to Enhance Your Resume
How to Use Sample Job Descriptions to Enhance Your ResumeHow to Use Sample Job Descriptions to Enhance Your ResumeHow to Use Sample Job Descriptions to Enhance Your ResumeHave you ever re-read your resume just before sending it out, wondering whether it is the best it can be?This is your big chance to make a great impression, and a certain amount of nervousness is normal. From my experience, many candidates find themselves fretting over word choices and second-guessing the accomplishments and skills they hand-picked.Do your words represent you in the best light possible? Is there a way to minimize that last-minute resume anxiety? My advice is to do a quick side-by-side check to make sure that your resume speaks directly to the job description. This is relatively straight-forward when you have a great job ort description to start with. Other times, you might be working with a description that is incomplete or not detailed enough. In those situations, sample job descriptions can give y ou the information you need to eliminate second-guessing.The anatomy of a sample job description.When reviewing sample job descriptions, it helps to understand what youre looking at. That way, you can know what might be missing, which parts to pay special attention to, and what additional questions to ask of the recruiter or the hiring manager. Here is your quick outline of what makes up a complete position description.1. TitleThe job title is the first thing that catches your attention when you come across a new opportunity. Unfortunately, job titles can often be misleading. Just because a position has a sexy title does not always mean that its duties align with what is typically expected. The reverse can also be true a position without a high-ranking title might offer all the right challenges and opportunities for career growth. The lesson is clear keep reading2. SummaryThis is usually a brief (1-2 sentences) high-level description of duties and reporting relationships that come with the position. Look for general consistency with the job title, note key words and dive into the detail next.3. Key functionsIn a perfect world, this section will help address many of your questions. What daily responsibilities are associated with the position? Would you be expected to have a supervisory role? What involvement and interaction will you have with other departments? How much customer contact is expected?4. Skills needed to succeedThis section can help you identify critical skills that the hiring manager thinks are needed to succeed on the job. A well-written skill requirements section will include both soft and hard (or technical) skills. Be present to the fact that sometimes, this section is bulked up by technical requirements and qualifications that arent truly necessary. To be a better judge of what actually matters, consider reviewing multiple job descriptions for similar roles. That simple sanity check will help you establish a pattern.5. Reporting hierarchyRe porting lines are extremely important. A manager who reports directly to the CEO will have an experience of frequent and direct interaction with senior leadership, which can mean more exposure to big-picture decision-making and potentially a higher degree of pressure. On the other hand, a manager who is buffered from top management by four to five layers of reporting relationships will have fewer direct interactions with senior leaders. There is no right or wrong way to choose, but it does help to understand whether the setup of the position aligns with your professional preferences and goals.6. Evaluation criteria and timelineHow will your supervisor know that you are doing a great job? Who defines success, how fair is that criteria, and how frequently can you expect feedback? Keep in mind that seeing a well-developed evaluation section in a position description is relatively rare. If it is missing from the position description, be sure to add it to the list of your questions to as k the hiring manager during the interview. Be alert in the event that he or she hesitates to give you a clear answer that could be an indication that the company lacks clarity on what success in the role will look like. 7. CompensationMany sample position descriptions do not include an explicit salary range. Look for other tips and hints to give you a sense for whether compensation arrangements are likely to be competitive. For example, a job description that emphasizes performance bonus or the fact that the company is in the startup stages might point to a lower base salary. Keep in mind that the salary question is not a recommended way of opening your interactions with a potential employer. However, gathering all the data you can will help you make the best decision.8. Physical locationConsider whether the position will require you to relocate or result in a commute that is considerably longer than what you are accustomed to. If you will be expected to work in a part of town that has a badeanstalt reputation, be present to what that might mean for your safety and daily routines.Three tips for getting the most out of sample job descriptions.There are three important take-aways that you should gain from spending time on job description research.1. Look for patterns in tasks and critical skills. What seems to be most important to the hiring manager? What will define your ability to succeed?2. Try the job descriptions on for size. Will you actually enjoy doing this job on a day-to-day basis? Every position comes with a certain amount of tasks that you would rather not do, and most jobs have moments that are frustrating, boring or emotionally challenging. Focus on the big picture, and ask yourself whether the job will allow you the right degree of autonomy, control, creativity and opportunities for growth. Define the mix of attributes and characteristics that are most important to you, and choose accordingly.3. Connect with people in the role you are considering or directly above it.LinkedIn can prove to be an excellent source of introductions and connections for professional networking and research. The insights and feedback from individuals who have personal experience with the role you are considering can boost your confidence and help you prepare for the interview.A bonus benefit of sample job descriptions.There is one other benefit of reviewing sample job descriptions that is often left out of consideration. Reading them can give you the right words and focus points to describe your current job during the interview. It can also highlight how your past experience has prepared you for the challenges of the new position. By presenting your past work history in a way that logically supports your next step, you can tell a more compelling personal story, better connect with the hiring manager and touch on the right success factors.Lastly, remember that the job description is meant to help you customize your resume and prepare for the interv iew. In a perfect world, the description should be informing, thoughtful and exciting. If you are feeling the butterflies or slight nervousness from the professional stretch that the opportunity would be requiring of you, dig deeper and channel that energy into preparation and research. On the other hand, if you walk away from the job description unmoved, that feeling will likely show during the interview. Consider looking at other options, so that your presence during the interview is fully engaged, enthusiastic and inspired.Need help with your resume? Take advantage of our free critique today
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Top Actuarial Resume Reviews!
Top Actuarial Resume Reviews Assure you will use the perfect font and size you will apply in formatting the content of your resume. The formatting is also fixed so its going print just the direction you see it. There are many kinds of resumes, but you must continue being sure to produce your resume and cover letter with your own personal contact. To help make the ideal impression, you are going to want the fruchtwein suitable job application format. The Argument About Actuarial Resume Because these agents need to directly handle the customers, they should have excellent verbal communication skills, strong problem solving ability and decision making abilities. Obviously no appropriate experience is a con, but you have demonstrated which you can explain difficult concepts to people by your tutoring experience. Get the Scoop on Actuarial Resume Before Youre Too Late It means that we require to be prepared to create many trends of resumes as well as our traditional resumes. It s imperative that you dont simply apply these resumes verbatim. Functional resumes are the type of resumes that provide focus on the abilities and abilities of the candidate in place of the list of their work experiences. Chronological resumes enable employers to easily understand the work positions and work functions which has been given to the applicant by her or his prior employers. These professionals will need to use mathematical modeling honigweinhods to get data and should be able to communicate information to non-specialists in an accessible way. Furthermore, companies want to learn which you are proficient with computer spreadsheets and similar tools. Getting in a position to articulate exactly why you require the job to attain your goals is a strong tool. Just like the rest of the workers, you must have a fantastic working understanding of the computer. To conclude, Resumes is one of the ideal choices to present a couple of idea to although prepared to help genera te an impressive CV. Free resume templates for work in Business. Resumes classify whether youve met the job demands of the company. Indeed they are visible to employers so they can assist you to know about jobs you might be interested in. Choose the resume type which best suits your initial assessment of what youre able to supply to the company where youre applying at. There are various requirements which should be included in a resume based on the industry where the applicant would love to be a component of and the work position he or shed love to have. It will be simple for the enterprise to know whether youre a fit candidate just by viewing your resume. Useful small business resumesamples for those seeking work in business fields. Make certain that it is not likely to hurt your odds of finding the job. Two things will stop you from securing a position for a representative. Thank you to everybody who came out to our very first meeting. If youre thinking about how to c reate a resume, youre in the correct place How to compose an expert profile resume genius. You might be able to shadow somebody thats already in the area. The list of the expert hintergrund of the man or woman is not merely the primary focus of the resume. Also think about whether there is anything else you can do to assist your resume stand out. Actuarial Resume No Longer a Mystery 1 example may be certification as an insurance policy counselor. This position is appropriate for interns, short-term employee or contract employee. If youre on the lookout for a position in the legal staff, you should pass your bar first in the event that you are interested in being an insurance policy company lawyer. Never turn down the prospect for your employer to cover your license. The Characteristics of Actuarial Resume If youre interested in turning in an application for an internship at Auto Owners you are able to go to their site here and complete an application specifying your inte rest in the actuarial internship. My resume will offer extra details concerning my qualifications and accomplishments, and I would welcome the chance for an interview to talk about the wertzuwachs it is possible to count on from me. Click the Create Contact Request button to produce the contact request you prefer to send to the candidates. Generally, a candidate is not going to proceed in the interview process since they provide short answers which do not consist of detail. The Meaning of Actuarial Resume The examinations can ordinarily be taken in any order, though most people decide to start from the previous examinations. As of Fall 2017, students will no longer be asked to select the GRE exam as a portion of the admission approach. It is crucial to know that you are able to include things like pending exams on your resume. Youve got to incorporate the Actuarial exams which you have passed in as well.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Honest to Goodness Truth on Writing Dancing in the Age of Postmodernism Sally Banes Resume
The Honest to Goodness Truth on Writing Dancing in the Age of Postmodernism Sally Banes Resume In addition, this is true of my notes on the job. However, I believe thats what the book is hoping to analyze. However, now I saw it inside her handwriting the way it was published. Things couldnt be that simple. The primary difference between both pieces is tone. While being an excellent writer is crucial, you also have to have the persistence to submit your writing for publication. According to Glassdoors Scott Dobroski, creating a video resume might be a good choice to aid your work hunt but, there are a couple things to consider prior to deciding to create one. Keep in mind, saying the incorrect issue is acceptable if you say it the proper way. Interactionists argue that labelling can impact pupils achievement by developing a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sometimes you may be in a rush and wont have the opportunity to muster even the minimum number of postmodern synonyms and neo logisms required to prevent public disgrace. You can create a quick reference chart to prevent time delays. By way of example, phallogocentricism (male-centredness together with rationalistic kinds of binary logic). The Demise of Writing Dancing in the Age of Postmodernism Sally Banes Resume If youre interested in working managing magazines and internet blogs, look at becoming an editor. And naturally, together with the practice of globalisation over the previous twenty or thirty decades, individual national cultures everywhere have become less distinct. Before you begin, think about the geschftsleben and company that youre targeting. Bureaucracies are uncomfortable with the very first individual. This can be regarded as widening the class gap in achievement in a school. Schools need to attain a great league table position if they are supposed to entice pupils for funding. You can also qualify for journalism positions. The youth reports he is doing well.
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